I want to share with you how I practice and train, and how I was able to develop this style or method of the leviwand. I hope this mindset also enables you to always level up your leviwand journey.
This video is part of my full leviwand course – Ehrlich’s Leviwand Method – available at Leviwand.Dance
LINK: https://leviwand.dance/course-category/leviwand/
I also want to share with you how I practice and train, and how I was able to develop this style or method of the leviwand.
I have four phases when studying moves, and these are also the phases that we will go through with each lesson.
LEARN. Learn the mechanics of the move. Learn how to spin the wand or manipulate the string, where it goes, and how the physics should be.
DRILL. Drill the basic move until it almost becomes second nature to you. Ideally, you repeat it a couple of times without making a mistake.
BEAUTIFY. Once you learned the move and made yourself comfortable performing it, ask yourself how can you make it more beautiful. Think of your audience, or how it would look like on video. Can I stand straight, can I do more illusion hands, can I make my string manipulation more discreet, can I move my body more? It would help if you could take videos of yourself trying different variations and evaluating, from an audience’s point of view, which works better.
IMPROVE. You’ve learned the move, you’ve made it consistent, and even made it nice for the other people to watch. Now, how can you take it to the next level? Can you add a turn? Can you do a kick or jump with it? Can you make your string management more artistic? You can do this endlessly – improve, improve, improve until one day the move is already on a whole different level.